The Innovations Family is made up of unique products that fit specific niches within crop production. Currently this family brings us products ranging from hopper box additives to stress mitigation and residue management. As new technologies emerge and use cases develop, you can be assured, our Innovations products will continue to grow along with you.

Cutting-Edge Products to Enhance Your Harvest
Key Benefits of Innovations Products
Our range of products is designed to address a variety of agricultural challenges, from stress mitigation to enhanced seed germination and efficient residue decomposition.
- Stress Mitigation: Our specialized formulations help crops withstand adverse conditions, such as drought, heat stress, and nutrient deficiencies. By bolstering plant resilience, we ensure optimal growth and yield.
- Seed Lubrication: Our seed lubricants promote smooth and efficient planting, resulting in improved seed-to-soil contact and enhanced germination rates.
- Residue Decomposition: Our innovative products accelerate the breakdown of crop residues, improving soil health, nutrient availability, and overall field productivity.
To learn more about specific products and their unique benefits, explore our range below.

This all-in-one hopperbox treatment combines a soybean-based planter/ seed lubrication system that has been used on millions of Midwest crop acres with a product proven to increase yields & ROI. This provides several distinct advantages over traditional talc and graphite.
- This soy-protein derived from dehulling soybeans was developed as an alternative seed lubricant with benefits over traditional talc/graphite
- A Beck’s PFR Proven biological hopper box additive included in HopperSTART CN!
- Terrasym, tested in Beck’s Practical Farm Research Program, is a Beck’s PFR Proven product, demonstrating a 3.8 bu./A. yield increase over 3 years of testing. In the three years of testing, yield increases ranged from 2.7 bu./A. to 4.6 bu./A.
- Terrasym improves nutrient uptake and improves overall root development. This leads to a plant with enhanced abiotic stress tolerance.
- A safer and cleaner upgrade to the talc or graphite seed lubricant you are already using
- Biologically friendly seed lubricant, non-toxic to bees
- Comparable flowability and singulation to commercially available seed lubricants
- Soy protein is an ideal source of amino acids, which promotes better seed germination and biological activity in the furrow
Completely replace your graphite and talc with HopperSTART CN. HopperSTART CN comes with a convenient measuring scoop for applying at a rate of .5 oz./unit of seed. One, 20-ounce bag of HopperSTART CN, will treat one box of corn. HopperSTART CN has a 2-year shelf life.
This all-in-one hopperbox treatment combines a soybean-based planter/seed lubrication system that has been used on millions of Midwest crop acres with beneficial microbes proven to increase yield. This provides several distinct advantages over traditional talc and graphite.
- This soy-protein derived from dehulling soybeans was developed as an alternative seed lubricant with benefits over traditional talc/graphite
Terrasym, proven to increase yields!
- Terrasym contains beneficial microbes specifically selected for soybeans and has proven to increase yield
- Contains beneficial microbes called pink pigmented facultative methylotrophs (M-trophs), specially selected for use in soybeans
- Enhances nutrient uptake and plant efficiency, including a 19.4% increase in iron, which enhances soybean root area by 2.9%, root depth by +5.6% and root tips by +2.4%
- A safer and cleaner upgrade to the talc or graphite seed lubricant you are already using
- Biologically friendly seed lubricant, non-toxic to bees
- Comparable flowability and singulation to commercially available seed lubricants
- Soy protein is an ideal source of amino acids, which promotes better seed germination and biological activity in the furrow
Completely replace your graphite and talc with HopperSTART SB. HopperSTART SB comes with a convenient measuring scoop for adding at a rate of .5 oz./unit of seed. One, 20-ounce bag of HopperSTART SB, will treat one box of soybeans. HopperSTART SB has a 2-year shelf life.

Over the past 2 seasons, SugarKick™ has proven its worth on over 500,000 acres as the ultimate tool in fighting abiotic crop stresses (too hot/too dry/too cold/too wet). The 2025 formulation brings even better stress mitigation and improved flowability/mixability.
- Ecklonia Maxima (Seaweed kelp extract)
- Corn steep liquor
- We have replaced the molasses based sugar with corn steep liquor (CSL), a byproduct of wet-milling corn to extract starch.
- CSL is rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals, enzymes and organic acids.
- CSL is the #1 additive for microbial growth media in the development of drugs such as penicillin and food production of yeasts for dough and alcohol.
- When soil applied, both components of SugarKick act as a food source for soil microbial populations which can speed up decomposition and nutrient release leading to higher yields
- Statistical yield increases when sugar was applied in-furrow followed by V5 (University of Illinois)
- Seaweed kelp extract contains powerful bioactive compounds that help mitigate crop stress
- When applied foliar, “70% higher beneficial insect populations in sugar treated plots” (University of Nebraska)
SugarKick can be used on all crops both soil applied with starter or UAN at sidedress and as a foliar additive to both herbicide and fungicide applications.
For Corn & Beans: IN-FURROW: 1 pt./A.
For Corn & Beans: 2X2/2x2x2/SIDEDRESS: 1 pt./A. – 1 qt./A.
For Corn, Beans, & Wheat: FOLIAR: 1 qt./A.
This soybean-based amino acid hopperbox treatment is novel and industry leading due to the highest level of biologicals in a seed lubrication system. HopperSTART BioCN is formulated specifically for next level corn production.
- An industry leading soybean based amino acid hopper box seed lubricant system superior to talc and graphite with additional benefits
- Microbial consortium including 8 synergistic strains with a total CFU count of 300 billion
- All 8 microbe strains are concentrated to 6.8 x 10(9) cfu/g
- The microbes adhere to the seeds very similar to how talc and graphite do, via static electricity
- This unique biological consortium with the highest CFU count in a soybean based amino acid fluency agent is outyielding competitive products!
- 300b CFU’s is 6.5 x’s more CFU’s than a leading competitor!
- Includes both N-Fixing and P-solubilizing microbes
HopperSTART BioCN demonstrated improved NDVI (amount of plant mass) at 21 days after emergence compared to both the control and to the leading competitive product.
- It is not hours to days like many products. HopperSTART BioCN brings with it a 2-year shelf-life due to its unique selection process. HopperSTARTBioCN microbes are selected specifically for each crop and extracted from the soil to get the “parent” microbe. They are then “put to sleep” and sent off to be encapsulated into the soybean fluency agent. They remain “asleep” until coming into contact with soil and moisture.
Greatly reduced release of neonicotinoids in the environment versus graphite/talc, saving bees and enhancing natural pollination
Completely replace your graphite and talc with Hopperstart BioCN. Hopperstart BioCN comes with a convenient measuring scoop for applying at a rate of .5 oz./unit of seed. One, 20-ounce bag of Hopperstart BioCN, will treat one box of corn. Hopperstart BioCN has a 2-year shelf life if kept dry.

This soybean-based amino acid hopperbox treatment is novel and industry leading due to the highest level of biologicals in a seed lubrication system. HopperSTART BioCN is formulated specifically for next level corn production.
- An industry leading soybean based amino acid hopper box seed lubricant system superior to talc and graphite with additional benefits
- Contains a complete Bradyrhizobium inoculant
- Microbial consortium including 8 synergistic strains with a total CFU count of 300 billion
- All 8 microbe strains are concentrated to 6.8 x 10(9) cfu/g
- The microbial consortium is conveniently impregnated in the soy-based lubricant for pour and go ease of use
- This unique biological consortium with the highest CFU count in a soybean based amino acid fluency agent is outyielding competitive products!
- 300b CFU’s is nearly 8 x’s more CFU’s than a leading competitor!
- Up to 6 bu./A. better than talc/graphite alone!
- When comparing our BioSB biological consortium in either graphite and talc or our amino acid soybean fluency agent, the biologicals improved emergence and final stand in both, although slightly better in the amino acid soybean base product.
- It is not hours to days like many products. HopperSTART BioSB brings with it a 2-year shelf-life due to its unique selection process
- HopperSTART BioSB consistently had the best vigor ratings when comparing it to graphite/talc alone or graphite/talc + biologicals.
Completely replace your graphite and talc with HopperSTART BioSB. HopperSTART BioSB comes with a convenient measuring scoop for applying at a rate of .5 oz./unit of seed. One, 20-ounce bag of HopperSTART BioSB, will treat one box of soybeans. HopperSTART BioSB has a 2-year shelf life if kept dry.
Higher yields with robust crop residues “tie-up” essential nutrients for the following year’s crop. We are excited to bring you a solution that can be used in the fall or the spring to breakdown this robust residue, releasing valuable plant nutrition and reducing the carbon penalty.
A uniquely formulated residue decomposition product that has been developed specifically to accelerate the breakdown of residue. It contains highly available food sources for soil microbes and a “sticker” to help the spray solution remain on the crop residue.
- Beneficial micro algae included!
- A full spectrum source of soil microbe food, even more effective than fulvic acid.
- Biochemically and nutritionally richer L-form amino acids with consistency of analysis.
- Bacillus Bacteria species included to accelerate nutrient recycling
- Enhanced degradation of crop residue, specifically the lignin and carbohydrates, decreases the carbon penalty leading to a positive yield response
- Improved planting efficiency and accuracy
- Less residue “hair-pinning” improves plant spacing, creating a more uniform crop with higher yield potential
FALL: Apply in a foliar spray with or without fall herbicide burndown products at 12.8 oz./A.
SPRING: Apply in a foliar spray with or without spring burndown products at 12.8 oz./A

Revive™ is included in Elevate™ (Foliar nutritional) as a p proactive way to manage future or current stress. Sometimes, abiotic stresses (too hot/too cold/too wet/too dry) occur during the growing season and mitigating that stress may be warranted.
An ethylene reduction product that fends off abiotic stresses that can affect future yield potential, while improving nutrient uptake.
- When plant stress occurs, ethylene (stress hormone) levels rise in the plant, decreasing positive growth hormones. Revive brings your plants back to hormonal balance by decreasing ethylene.
- Abiotic stress (i.e.: cold, heat, excessive rain, drought)
- Abiotically stressed or injured plants will recover quicker after an application of Revive
- Physical damage (i.e.: Hail, Frost, mechanical injury)
- Both Molybdenum and Cobalt help make field applied nitrogen plant available by helping the root system fix N
For Corn, Beans, & Wheat: FOLIAR: Foliar apply to all crops (corn, soybeans, wheat) experiencing stress or injury at 8-16 oz./A.
For Corn & Beans: IN-FURROW: Proactively manage future stress while facilitating critical nutrient uptake during germination with an in-furrow application at 4 oz./A. in both Corn and Soybeans