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Innovate, Grow, Prosper

Yield Innovations was founded on a simple principle: we believe in empowering growers with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. Our mission is simple yet vital: to help you understand what you’re buying, why it matters, and how to use it effectively to enhance your bottom line.

Our line of completely proprietary products is designed to meet the specific needs of modern agriculture. These are not off-the-shelf solutions; they are crafted from years of research and hands-on experience in the field. Our customers, some of the most forward-thinking farmers in the industry, help us continually test and refine our offerings across a wide range of acres, ensuring that when you choose Yield Innovations, you’re choosing the best.

Our Service Area

Yield Innovations proudly serves growers across a 12-state region, delivering expert knowledge and innovative solutions to help you cultivate success.

Meet Our Team

Get to know the dedicated professionals who are here to help you grow with confidence.

Todd Moore


Todd spent the first 25 years of his career leading Supply Chain teams for 3 internationally known companies in 3 different industries. In 2013, Todd met with his Dad and bother, Jack and Thad, to discuss joining the family company to help them grow and develop new market opportunities. That same year, Todd left his corporate role and joined his family at Tri-Ag Products. Since that time, Tri-Ag has grown significantly and expanded into new markets and most recently started a new company, Yield Innovations.

Todd and his wife Connie have three grown children living in various locations around the U.S. In his limited spare time away from the business, Todd enjoys taking trips with his family and investigating new parts of the world. He enjoys playing golf, snowboarding and scuba diving. He is also a fan of Ohio State football and attending games at The Shoe.

Thad Moore


Thad spent the beginning of his career as a golf course superintendent at multiple private country clubs while graduating at The Ohio State University in Agronomy with a Specialization in Turfgrass Management in 1992. These experiences helped lay the foundation and prepare him to be part of the family business with his parents and joined Tri-Ag Products, Inc. in 2002. Thad has a passion to provide impeccable customer service and during his tenure he has been able to evolve with the ever-changing agricultural industry. Thad helped develop our core values and implement Personal Agronomy Simplified and put a focus on the growers’ individual needs to tailor programs based on what they want.

Together we have been able to make a difference on the farm with our trained agronomy sales staff and yield consultants in multiple states with the formation of Yield Innovations. We provide agronomic solutions with our own proprietary line of products in collaboration with our manufacturing partners. This has led us to growth in seed, nutrients, and crop production solutions and set ourselves apart from the merging entities we compete against to be successful for the future.

Tri-Ag and Yield Innovations are family businesses where he has had the pleasure of working with his wife Karen, two kids (Zachery and Alexis), Mom, Dad, and his brother Todd. Karen and Thad are also blessed with 2 other children (Ryan and Jason) who are attending college. Thad enjoys spending time with his family, golfing, and traveling to the beach during his time away from the business.

Ryan McAllister

VP Sales & Marketing

Ryan McAllister brings 30 years of ag experience, with a focus toward innovation. His ag innovation journey began when he started a precision ag department at a local co-op in 1994, grid sampling and installing the first yield monitors, long before they were common. From there, he spent 15 years at Beck’s, in sales and leadership roles. It was his experience as Beck’s Director of Practical Farm Research where he further fostered a desire to innovate on behalf of farmers. As PFR Director, he developed Beck’s PFR Proven™. This concept transformed complex research into simple, easy to implement recommendations.

At Yield Innovations, Ryan takes the knowledge gained from these past experiences to lead the creation of new product ideas and the on-farm testing proving grounds that bring these ideas to life!

Derrick LeBeau

Director of Sales

Derrick is a graduate of The Ohio State University with bachelor’s degree in both Agronomy and Agribusiness & Applied Economics. He started his career in the seed industry and spent 8 years there growing and developing the business. From there he went to a global company in the crop protection industry and spent 11 years as the state of Ohio’s Tech. Rep He managed seven salesmen throughout the state on the chemicals that were sold in the state. Derrick made a change this past year, where he wanted to get back into making a direct impact at the farmer level. His decision was coming on board with Yield Innovations where he can make recommendations at an individual level that are directly going to positively effect his customers. He is excited to be able to bring his experiences throughout the years to his customers.

Derrick Is excited for the Yield Innovations future as he sees a family-owned business is in it for the right reasons, which is the farmer! Everything the team makes decisions on are all focused around the farmer. YI is going to bring you the best agronomic solutions with an economical benefit.

Derrick has three kids (1 son and 2 daughters) where he spends all of his non work time with them at cattle shows, volleyball, soccer, track, gymnastics, softball, and basketball. In his spare time, he likes to spend time watching the Buckeyes and attending as many of the games as possible.

Jackson Maxwell

Administrative Agronomist

Jackson and his family have been one of the farms for the last five years to establish the proof of concept for The Agronomic Profit System on over 3500 acres. For the past three years, Jackson has worked side by side with customers and Yield Consultants to help personalize hundreds of yield journeys. At Yield Innovations, Jackson works directly with the Yield Consultants to reach more customers as well as handle all administrative needs.

Matt Brown

Supply Chain Lead

Matt started his career in the agricultural field in 2013. He has fulfilled many roles within the industry from custom application, working in the grain elevator, managing a state of the art liquid facility, sales, and managing the warehouse at Tri-Ag Products. With the background knowledge that he has gained throughout his career he is able to bring that knowledge into the new venture of Yield Innovations. With the experience gained he will be able to navigate the challenges that arise as the Supply Chain Lead for Yield Innovations.

Matt is available to sit down with growers and consultants to discuss options for creating and improving bulk tank farms. He can also help consultants create processes to ensure customer satisfaction as well as direction regarding state regulatory guidelines.

Matt and his wife Jamie enjoy spending their time seeking out new adventures outdoors. Matt enjoys camping, fishing, and hunting in his free time.