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Push Your Yields to New Heights

When it comes to maximizing your crop’s potential, every decision counts. YieldBuilder is your secret weapon for achieving the highest yields possible, even when the growing season throws challenges your way. Our foliar nutritional products are designed to provide superior stress mitigation and plant nutrition, helping you push your yields higher or prevent losses at critical stages in your crop’s development.

Explore the YieldBuilder product line and discover how our targeted foliar nutrition can make this your best season yet. With tailored formulas for your specific crops and strategic application timing, YieldBuilder helps you achieve the highest yields possible.

Key Benefits of Yield Builder

  • Tailored Formulas for Every Crop: YieldBuilder offers specialized formulas for corn, wheat, soybeans, and other key crops, ensuring that each plant receives the optimal nutrition at the right time.
  • Seasonal Timing for Maximum Results: Our products are designed to be applied at specific times during the growing season, giving your crops the boost they need to either push yields higher or prevent further losses.
  • End-of-Season Yield Boost: Looking for that final push to make this season your most successful yet? YieldBuilder provides the critical nutrition your crops need at the end of the season to maximize their yield potential before harvest.

Elevate™ simply works. Our #1 selling foliar nutritional product has proven itself on hundreds of thousands of acres in all crops; corn, soybeans and wheat! Either as a planned vegetative pass or to help “fix” a stressed-out field, Elevate™ will not let you down.


A low use rate foliar product for all crops that provides superior stress mitigation and plant nutrition with highly available ingredients.

  • Potassium Acetate technology, orthophosphate, balanced micronutrients and 3% Sulfur
  • Fulvic Acid
  • Revive™, an ethylene reduction product is included
  • Bio-stimulant


To alleviate yield robbing stress and restore hormonal balance

  • Abiotic stresses (too hot/too cold/too dry/too wet) decrease positive growth hormones in the plant while increasing the stress hormone ethylene. Elevate contains Revive and a biostimulant, which reduces ethylene and restores proper hormonal balance.
100% available plant nutrition

  • As soils dry out, availability of many nutrients decrease. Elevate provides a nutritional “stop gap” while waiting on needed rain
Efficient delivery of tank mix partners

  • Fulvic Acid and Potassium Acetate serve to drive more nutrition through the leaf stomata and then translocate it efficiently throughout the plant
Excellent source of Sulfur

  • The addition of Sulfur to Elevate aids in helping turn crops around during anaerobic (saturated) soil conditions


Apply as a foliar spray at 1 qt./A., with or without herbicides and fungicides, in the vegetative growth stages of all crops.

The name says it all with PodFiller™. One of the most consistent reproductive foliar soybean products to ever hit the market. PodFiller™ continues to win over new customers every year with its consistency in performance and uniqueness in formulation. Why PodFiller™? Because Big Beans Matter!


A cutting-edge soybean foliar product to be used with or without fungicides during the reproductive stages of growth.


Higher Yields!

  • 2021 Syngenta GrowMore Research demonstrated a 7.3 Bu./A. advantage to PodFiller
  • 2021 On-farm side by sides averaged 4.7 Bu./A. advantage to PodFiller at R3
  • Many customer testimonials have shown even higher yield advantages in fields under extreme moisture stress
Now includes NanoBond™ 4Z, nano particle technology!

  • 2022 Beck’s PFR data showed a $20.48/A. ROI when utilizing NanoLiquid technology with fungicides at R3, now included in PodFiller™
  • ABG Ag Services in Sheridan, IN tested multiple replications of NanoLiquid technology and saw a 2.4 Bu./A. advantage over fungicide alone in 2021, now included in PodFiller
Stimulate nodules to increase nitrogen production for larger soybean size

  • The incredible load of Sulfur at 8% helps to promote late season N fixation
Drive tank mix partners into the plant

  • The high rate of potassium acetate in conjunction with NanoLiquid technology, helps to drive more tank mixed fungicide into the plants for higher ROI


Apply as a foliar spray at 2 qt./A. with or without a fungicide and/or insecticide at the R3 growth stage.

KernelFiller™ is for the high-yield corn grower looking to push yields further by aligning nutrient demand with the timing of pre-planned applications. Help maximize the kernel flex of today’s elite corn hybrids with KernelFiller!


A low use rate foliar nutritional product designed to meet the nutritional needs of corn between V14 and R3 (brown silk).


Late season nutrient demand is high and often overlooked

  • Nutrients needed after V14:
    • 58% of the Sulfur
    • 46% of the Manganese
    • 55% of the Zinc
    • 38% of the Boron
  • KernelFiller™ supplies all 4 of those ingredients including 8% Nitrogen
The perfect tank mix partner for VT fungicide applications or R3 fungicides targeting Tar Spot

  • Mixes easily with fungicides

  • A timely part of an overall spoon-feeding approach to Sulfur management


Apply as a foliar spray at 1 qt./A., with or without fungicides, from V14-R3.

GrainFiller™ was designed to be used as part of a personalized program to either push yields higher or prevent further losses. If you are looking to take yields even higher, one last push at the very end of the season could be what your crops are needing to make them your highest yielding yet! However, sometimes late-season Nitrogen deficiency robs crops of their optimum yields. In those situations, GrainFiller could provide the proper nutrition needed for a quick recovery.


A uniquely designed foliar nutritional product combining two forms of nitrogen including slow-release nitrogen, potassium, Boron, Manganese, and NanoBond™ 4Z.


If you are seeing Nitrogen deficiency during grain fill

  • At the very end of the season in all crops, corn, soybeans and wheat, Nitrogen is being remobilized from plant parts to the developing grain. At that time, if Nitrogen is lacking for any reason, the addition of readily available N can help to “fill” the developing grain.
To pack more weight into each grain and/or enhance seed size

Boron is critical during reproduction

  • It is essential for maintaining sugar and starch balance
  • Necessary for grain formation
Manganese is responsible for chlorophyll formation

  • Aids in late season plant health
  • Maximizes photosynthesis
  • Better enables the last push for additional grain fill
NanoBond™ NanoLiquid Technology delivers the N-K-B-Mn in GrainFiller™ through the process of endocytosis, instead of diffusion.

  • Through endocytosis, one nanoparticle can deliver countless nutrient ions, whereas in the typical process of diffusion, each nutrient ion must pass individually through the cell membrane.
    • More efficient delivery system
    • Enables a reduction in rates


For Corn:

Foliar apply at 2 qt./A.

  • 2 qts./A. from R3-R5, with or without a fungicide

For Beans:

Foliar apply at 2 qt./A.

  • 2 qts./A. from R4-R5, with or without a fungicide

For Wheat:

Foliar apply at 2 qt./A.

  • 2 qts./A. from Feekes 10.1-10.5.3 (from when all Heads are out to when flowering is complete)

Elevate™ Complete brings three products together into one new formulation for the ultimate in both convenience and stress mitigation! Elevate + SugarKick™ + NanoBond™ 4Z, blended together in one Complete product.


Convenience through less mixing

  • Many growers have been mixing on farm, Elevate plus NanoBond 4Z plus SugarKick for the ultimate in stress mitigation. The Elevate Complete formulation eliminates all of that mixing in one “ready to blend with water” formulation.
The ultimate in vegetative stress mitigation

  • Elevate brings both a balanced nutritional blend, as well as Revive, an ethylene stress hormone reducer.
  • SugarKick provides powerful biostimulant compounds found in seaweed kelp extract that helps to mitigate crop stress.
  • NanoBond 4Z, along with potassium acetate and fulvic acid serve to drive the entire blend into the crop for maximum plant uptake and response


Apply as a foliar spray at 1 gal./A., with or without herbicides and fungicides, in the vegetative growth stages of all crops.

PodFiller™ Complete brings three products together into one new formulation for the ultimate in convenience, stress mitigation and bigger soybeans! PodFiller™ + SugarKick™ + NanoBond™ 4Z, blended together in one Complete product because… Big Beans Matter!


Convenience through less mixing

  • Many growers have been mixing PodFiller™ and SugarKick™ to provide late season crop nutrition while enhancing stress mitigation. PodFiller™ already had NanoBond™ 4Z in it last year, but now…The PodFiller™ Complete formulation eliminates the mixing of SugarKick™ into one “ready to blend with water” formulation, providing tote saving space on your trailer. You don’t need that SugarKick™ tote now!
Maximize soybean size

  • In the TAPS (The Agronomic Profit System) approach for soybeans, PodFiller™ Complete tank mixed with fungicide/insecticide is the final step in maximizing soybean size.

Mixes easily with late-season fungicide


Apply as a foliar spray at 1 gal./A. with or without a fungicide and/or insecticide at the R3 growth stage

KernelFiller™ Complete brings three products together into one new formulation for the ultimate in both convenience and kernel depth! KernelFiller + SugarKick™ + NanoBond™ 4Z, blended together in one Complete product.


Convenience through less mixing

  • Many growers have been mixing on farm, KernelFiller™ plus NanoBond™ 4Z plus SugarKick™ to provide late season crop nutrition while maximizing plant uptake and enhancing stress mitigation. The KernelFiller™ Complete formulation eliminates all of that mixing in one “ready to blend with water” formulation.
Maximize kernel depth

  • In the TAPS (The Agronomic Profit System) approach for corn, KernelFiller™ Complete is the final step in maximizing kernel depth.
  • After V14, corn still needs 58% of the S, 46% of the Mn, 55% of the Zn and 38% of the B. KernelFiller™ Complete supplies all of those nutrients plus SugarKick to mitigate any late season stress that would attempt to limit kernel fill. NanoBond 4Z is included to efficiently drive all the ingredients of KernelFiller™ into the plant through the process of endocytosis!

Mixes easily with late-season fungicides


Apply as a foliar spray at 1 gal./ac., with or without fungicides, from V14-R3

Wheat used to be that crop that you plant to be able to spread manure on or for that summer tile project. Not anymore! High management wheat is now a cash crop growing in popularity due to how well wheat is responding to high management. If you want to grab every last bushel of wheat you can, then HeadFiller™ tank mixed with fungicide is the latest YieldBuilder product for you!


A uniquely designed foliar nutritional product utilizing potassium acetate technology, nitrogen, Fulvic Acid, phosphorus plus sulfur, and a micronutrient pack loaded onto the NanoBond™ nanoparticle.


Excellent source of Sulfur

  • HeadFiller provides an efficient and diverse delivery system for Sulfur making it a great part of an overall S management strategy.
Drive tank mix partners into the plant for faster absorption of active ingredients

  • Both the high rate of potassium acetate, Fulvic Acid and NanoBond™ 4Z, nano particle technology in HeadFiller™ helps drive fungicide tank mix partners into the plant for higher ROI.
Fulvic Acid & Micronutrients

  • Fulvic Acid aids in micronutrient efficiency
  • A diverse mix of micros needed by wheat: Sulfur, Zinc, Managese, Copper and Boron
Potassium Acetate

  • 40% faster absorption than all other K carriers!
  • Aids in disease resistance for a healthier flag leaf and higher yields!


Apply as a foliar spray to Wheat at 2 qts./A. from Feekes 9-10.5.3 (from Flag Leaf to when flowering is complete)

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